Monday, February 3, 2014


Before  putting pen to paper, you may wish to know a little more about Mount Rushmore. So, for all the curious Georges among you, here are a few pointers and links to websites which will teach you more of this American trademark landmark.

By the way, do you know who the 4 presidents immortalized in the granite of Mount Rushmore are? Everybody knows Abraham Lincoln, of course, but could YOU name - and even better: recognize - the 3 others? is official website of Mount Rushmore National Memorial. As all other National Parks, Memorials or Monuments in the USA, it is administred and managed by the U.S National Park Sevices.

Located in the Black Hills region in South Dakota, the four monumental heads were carved into the granite of Mount Rushmore between 1927 and 1941 by Gutzon Borglum, based on a suggestion by historian Doane Robinson.

However majestic and well-loved today, Mount Rushmore caused much of an uproar at the time, and not least because it is set in Native American territory, an area controversially taken away from the Lakota Sioux tribe in the second part of the XIXth century. At the moment, the Crazy Horse Memorial is under construction in the Black Hills too, and commemorates Crazy Horse, the famous Lakota chief, as well as the History of Native Americans in that part of the USA. As a response to Mount Rushmore, the Crazy Horse Memorial will include a carving of Crazy Horse's face à la Mount Rushmore.

Well, now you know enough about Mount Rushmore, how it came to life, who it celebrates, and the Native American History still unfolding nearby. It may help you decide what qualities your 5th face should embody, so as to fit perfectly within the project itself, American History and the epic spirit of the Black Hills.

We're looking forward to your entry in this contest!
Best of luck and inspiration to your all.

The 5th Face Contest Team